DUE Wednesday, October 15
École Dansereau Meadows is one of 7,392 schools across Canada who are participating in Student Vote, a program from CIVIX, a nonpartisan registered charity that wants all young Canadians to be get involved and contribute to making Canada strong and inclusive. http://civix.ca/main/
Canada Federal Election 2015
Get Out the Vote! / Campaign Poster Contest
You have seen the graphs. More and more Canadian voters are staying home on election day. With fewer Canadians choosing our government, whose ideas and decisions will be running your country when you are an adult?.
You have an opportunity to hone your leadership skills and help to make Canada a better place.
Get Out the Vote! / Campaign Poster Contest
You have two tasks to accomplish on 1 poster:
- Why vote? Convince your school peers (Grades 5-8) to participate in the national Student Vote, Oct.15th.
- Choose Us! Convince your peers to vote for the political party YOU support.
* Which party were you most closely aligned with after answering questions on Vote Compass? * Use the website https://pollenize.org/ and choose that political party and information about their political platform to help you find information.
Rubric for Campaign Poster
Describe voter eligibility in federal elections
At least 5 accurate facts are displayed on the poster.
4 accurate facts are displayed on the poster.
3 accurate facts are displayed on the poster.
2 or less accurate facts are displayed on the poster.
Explain why citizens should be involved in a democracy
Student gives multiple reasons and explanations for importance.
Student gives multiple reasons, but little explanation for importance.
Student gives one reason, which is weakly explained or unsupported.
Student gives one or less reasons, with no explanation given.
Use appropriate election vocabulary
Students use at least six election vocabulary words. These words are explained in an informative/ unique manner.
Students use at least six election vocabulary words. These words are applied somewhat effectively.
Students use some vocabulary words. These words are explained on a basic level.
Students use few or no election vocabulary words. These words are not explained.
Political Party Branding- What party are you for?
6.S.1 (critical/ creative thinking)
Clear indication of which party is being displayed, with similar branding (colors, slogans, etc.) as the political party.
Some indication of which party is being displayed, missing some of the similar branding (colors, slogans, etc.) as the political party.
Little indication of which party is being displayed, missing most of the similar branding (colors, slogans, etc.) as the political party.
Little to no indication of which party is being displayed, missing most or all of the similar branding (colors, slogans, etc.) as the political party
Political Party Platform and examples
6.S.4, (decision-making, problem solving)
6.S.5 (group) , 6.S.7, (research)
Shares 4 platform statements in an easy to read and understand manner. Offers an easy to understand explanation for each statement.
Shares less than 4 platform statements, or statements are not easy to read and understand. May be missing an easy to understand explanation for each statement.
Shares less than 4 platform statements, or statements are not easy to read and understand. May be missing an explanation for each statement.
Shares 1 or 2 platform statements, statements are not easy to read and understand. May be missing an explanation for some or all statements.
6.S.1 (critical/ creative thinking)
The poster is exceptionally effective in terms of design, layout, neatness to reach the objective.
The poster is effective in terms of design, layout, neatness to reach the objective.
The poster is acceptable in terms of design, layout, neatness but may fail to reach the objective.
The poster is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It does not meet the objective.
Total Number of Points = _________ Total Score = _____________